In considering a student for repetition, variables such as the child’s stage of development, emotional adjustment, motivation and anxiety about learning need to be taken into account. It is important to be cautious in our recommendations and predictions regarding future progress.
Repetition to enhance learning may not be beneficial for some students and it is not recommended that
students with a diagnosed disability repeat.
Students who may benefit from repetition must
A student may be recommended to repeat following:
- Consultation by class teacher with Stage supervisor
- Assessment by School Counsellor
- Referral to Learning Support Team
- Consultation with parents
- Consultation with staff: Teacher, SLSO, paraprofessionals where applicable
- Approval and recommendation to repeat by Principal
- Consultation with parents
- Approval in writing by parents/caregivers
The above personnel will be informed and involved in decision making, with the consultation process designed to clarify the appropriateness of the recommendation.
Written permission must be provided by the parents/caregivers before the end of the current school
year; (proforma available from Principal)